Student Handbook Chapter 5

Chapter 5 : Student Worksheets

Induction and Preparing for Practice

In thinking about beginning to carry out pieces of work, it is important that you have a sense of the agency’s purpose, mission and vision.  Hopefully the induction programme will allow you get a sense of this.  To take this further will you please look at the following work sheets in preparation for initial and ongoing supervision.


Download Student Work Sheets /  Exercises.

Key Contact

Siobhán Wylie (PLC Belfast)

(028) 9032 5835
Practice Learning Centre Manager
2 Rivers Edge
13-15 Ravenhill Road Belfast BT6 8DN

Caoimhe Harkin-MacDermott (PLC L/Derry)

Tel: (028) 7132 1987
Mob: 07803 833382
Practice Learning Centre Manager
Practice Block 1, First Floor
Glendermott Valley Business Park
Tullyally Road, Drumahoe
Derry-Londonderry BT47 3QR
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