Many families face an increasing number of complex and challenging issues that leave them struggling to cope. We are here to empower and strengthen families to enable change, positive family functioning and to minimise the long term impact on their children's 'health & emotional well being'.
Family Support is a well-established targeted home visiting service that has been engaging Parents and Children since 1978 within the Belfast and the South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust areas. Our work includes a range of interventions including; short term support, intensive help out of hours and longer term regular day time support at Tiers 2, 3 and 4 of the Northern Ireland Family Support Model. Our aim is to support families during difficult periods in their lives, especially where this will contribute to keeping children with their parents.
Our evidence-informed approach has evolved over many years of ongoing research, development and learning through delivery. Our services are tailored to each child, young person and family and the context in which they live including: their specific needs and strengths; lifestyle and culture. We place a particularly strong focus on the expertise of our highly skilled Support Workers who establish high quality relationships. These develop through mentoring and setting practical examples of doing things differently. This relational model supports growing confidence so that family members: take responsibility and ownership; engage and are motivated and ultimately achieve real and lasting change.