Bryson Independent Advocacy Service supports some of the most vulnerable people in our society. We aim to empower those who need help speaking up for themselves, so they may be heard by those entrusted with their well-being and the protection of their rights.
Our service is commissioned by the Belfast and South Eastern Health & Social Care Trusts. We also accept referrals for discrete pieces of work on a spot purchased basis from all trusts and other external agencies throughout Northern Ireland. Primarily we support adults with a learning disability living at home in their own community. We also have an important role in supporting those living in Muckamore Abbey and their Carers. Our Advocates have expertise and experience in Children and Family work; supporting those involved in Court or Legal proceedings and helping those who have issues within their Care Home. Our personalised service provides short or long term support to meet individual need.
In Bryson Care we promote and encourage other forms of advocacy, for example, we have been involved in establishing Day Care and Residential Group Advocacy and the facilitation of service user forums. Our aim is to amplify the collective voice of individuals with similar issues and to empower them to articulate their needs and wishes.
Bryson's Advocacy Service is person centred and our well trained and experienced team of advocates take time with each person in order to understand their particular situation. Each individual is encouraged to speak for themselves, but where this is not possible the advocate in the presence of the person will speak on their behalf.